Is your lawn not as attractive as you would like?
Late August to late September is the best time to renovate lawns in New Jersey. New Jersey turfgrass varieties including tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass are cool season turfgrasses which grow well during cooler periods of the year.
By renovating a lawn in late summer/early fall the seedlings are growing under 2 consecutive cool season's allowing them to develop a significant root system assisting in their survival during the summer heat stress periods.
Following detailed steps of renovation including liming, fertilizing, proper seed selection along with renting an over- seeder or hiring a contractor are the necessary steps. See the Rutgers Cooperative Extension fact sheet "Renovating Your Lawn" for more details.
Important note: when using an over-seeder your goal is to set the blades to cut deep slices in the soil so seeds are deposited in soil and not on the surface or in thatch where they will not establish well.